

go get -u github.com/goadesign/goa/...
  • 後は自分のプロジェクト内でdesign/design.goを作成し編集します。


package design // The convention consists of naming the design
import (
    . "github.com/goadesign/goa/design" // Use . imports to enable the DSL
    . "github.com/goadesign/goa/design/apidsl"

var _ = API("myapi", func() { // API defines the microservice endpoint and
    Title("API to through MyAPI")                    // other global properties. There should be one
    Description("API to through My API without CORS") // and exactly one API definition appearing in
    Scheme("http")                                        // the design.
    // CORSポリシーの定義  ←ここ追加
    Origin("*", func() {
        // 1つまたは複数の許可されたHTTPメソッド
        Methods("GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "OPTIONS")
        // Access-Control-Allow-Credentialsヘッダーを設定する

var _ = Resource("station", func() { // Resources group related API endpoints
    BasePath("/stations")      // together. They map to REST resources for REST
    DefaultMedia(StationMedia) // services.

    Action("show", func() { // Actions define a single API endpoint together
        Description("Get station by id") // with its path, parameters (both path
        Params(func() { // (shape of the request body).
            Param("stationID", Integer, "Station ID")
        Response(OK, StationMedia) // Responses define the shape and status code
        Response(NotFound)         // of HTTP responses.
    Action("list", func() { // Actions define a single API endpoint together         // ←ここ丸々追加。リソース一覧取得用
        Description("Get stations") // with its path, parameters (both path
            GET("/")) // parameters and querystring values) and payload
        Response(OK, CollectionOf(StationMedia)) // Responses define the shape and status code    // ←配列を返したい場合CollectionOfを使う
        Response(NotFound)                       // of HTTP responses.

// StationMedia defines the media type used to render bottles.
var StationMedia = MediaType("application/vnd.myapi.station+json", func() {
    Description("A station of mine")
    Attributes(func() { // Attributes define the media type shape.
        Attribute("id", Integer, "Unique station ID")
        Attribute("href", String, "API href for making requests on the station")
        Attribute("name", String, "Name of station")
        Required("id", "href", "name")
    View("default", func() { // View defines a rendering of the media type.
        Attribute("id")   // Media types may have multiple views and must
        Attribute("href") // have a "default" view.


goagen bootstrap  -d github.com\***\***\design


上記の例だとstation.goというファイルができるのでその中を編集 // StationController_List: start_implement と書かれている下から追加する感じです。

// List runs the list action.
func (c *StationController) List(ctx *app.ListStationContext) error {
    // StationController_List: start_implement

    res := make(app.MyapiStationCollection, 2)
    st := []app.MyapiStation{{    // ←配列の中身は適当に作成してます。実際はDBから取得してfor分などで代入
        ID:   1,
        Name: "a",
        Href: "b",
            ID:   2,
            Name: "aa",
            Href: "bb",

    res[0] = &st[0]
    res[1] = &st[1]
    return ctx.OK(res)

    // StationController_List: end_implement

// Show runs the show action.
func (c *StationController) Show(ctx *app.ShowStationContext) error {
    // StationController_Show: start_implement

    station := app.MyapiStation{
        ID:   ctx.StationID,
        Name: fmt.Sprintf("Station #%d", ctx.StationID),
        Href: app.StationHref(ctx.StationID),

    return ctx.OK(&station)

    // StationController_Show: end_implement

上記でstationオブジェクトの型になっているapp.MyapiStationは design.goで宣言されているMediaTypeの引数に依存してます。

var StationMedia = MediaType("application/vnd.myapi.station+json", func() {


  • ここまで来たら
go build -o station.exe

